New Fer, the hardware store 4.0 thanks to Modula automatic warehouses
When someone enters in New Fer, the first thought is: how orderly it is to be a hardware store!
Standing out in the distance, in the customer reception area, are two Modula Slim vertical warehouses in which it is clearly written “Passion, professionalism. People”. Three simple words that perfectly describe the work of a company that has managed to rebuild itself over the years and become what we now call a hardware store 4.0.
In 2018, the Bisello family took over the business, which looked like a classic village hardware store, with high shelves, articles placed in bulk and a lot of disorder. It happened very often that one could not find the material, had to order it at the last minute and found it months later hidden by other boxes. This happens when you rely solely on human memory, when there is no software that tracks the exact location of each item and shows you the compartment in which to store the goods when they are restocked. There were boxes everywhere, many even scattered on the floor, because the most popular items you don’t go and put them back on the shelf, you try to find a more convenient place for them.
It did not take long to realise that this was not the most efficient way to run a business and that inventory management needed to be revolutionised.
So in 2020, New Fer purchased the first Modula Lift vertical warehouse for automatic product loading and unloading management. To date there are 6 warehouses installed: 4 Modula Slim and 2 Modula Lift. With the arrival of the new storage solutions, New Fer has been able to increase the product range even further and speed up the order fulfilment processes.
A clear demonstration that automating a hardware store is the best choice!