Modula Cloud:
Remote warehouse management and support

Modula Cloud capabilities at-a-glance
Modula Cloud is a remote management, support, and analytics platform that collects statistical data from all your automated storage and retrieval systems, no matter where they are located. Built-in and always-on, the Cloud platform captures all data in an easy-to-navigate online portal where users can securely monitor and manage your operations, from any device, anywhere in the world.
- Remote monitoring of your advanced Modula storage systems.
- Real-time updates and alerts.
- Remote warehouse management.
- Remote support, diagnostics and resolution.
- Predictive warehouse maintenance.
Remote end-to-end warehouse monitoring
Modula Cloud collects and processes all information and activities coming from your Modula units, including core system and telemetry data aggregated from all your storage solutions across any location, city or country.
- System registry data
- Warehouse status
- Warning lights and alarms
- Alarm reports
- Energy consumption
- Total weight stored
- Viewing saturation volume
- Number of tasks per day or per period
- Maintenance countdowns
- Maintenance history

Real-time remote monitoring of storage systems, down to the tray
You’ll know immediately if a machine is running properly, is offline, or is experiencing a problem that needs to be addressed. You’ll get detailed reports on how efficiently the machine’s trays are being used. If they’re out of balance, you can inform your workers how to reallocate items. You’ll see how many cycles have been run, orders have been filled in a given time period, energy consumed, and other relevant data.
- Surface occupied
- Effective weight
- Theoretical weight
- Classes ABC
- Height of stored material
Always-on supervision and remote control
Know if the warehouses are operating or on alert, how saturated they are in terms of volume, weight and surface, how many cycles they have done, how many orders your operators have filled in a certain time period, alarm history, energy consumption and other relevant data.

A direct line to Modula Customer Care
Modula Cloud features a “call from Copilot” function to immediately let Customer Care know you need assistance.
No remembering of details, emails or phone calls are needed — a Modula technician will call you back right away, with everything pre-populated for them. Remarkably enough, 80 percent of machine alerts, issues or disruptions can be resolved with just a phone call. Our technicians are always there to guide you on how to fix the problem in real time.
With Modula Cloud, you just click and help is there.
Predictive maintenance
The Modula Cloud gathers data from connected Modula storage units, analyzing the information to create optimum maintenance schedules and assess when interventions are needed. Through the secure Cloud portal, each customer can review the status of their storage units in real time, then share that information with Modula’s Customer Care service team to receive assistance. This continual feedback loop on the health status of storage systems keeps everyone informed of any issues and automatically prompts alarms and work orders through predictive maintenance algorithms. As a result, Modula customers keep their maintenance and management interventions to a minimum and avoid unexpected and costly production downtimes.

Secure remote management
Modula Cloud has been developed leveraging technology solutions from Microsoft and is hosted on the secure Microsoft Azure cloud platform. The system uses the latest cryptographic systems for authentication and data exchange between the Modula WMS and the Modula Cloud. Authentication is provisioned through the HTTPS/TSL protocol, with RSA encryption at 2048 bits. Data is transferred securely through the AMQP protocol.